I resonated so much with this. I am a hoarder, while my husband on the other hand owns just a handful of stuff, mostly essentials. We just moved houses and I was shocked at the amount of stuff I have. We were moving into a small place so I gave away/threw away so much stuff and trust me it felt so liberating.

I won’t lie, I still have a lot of stuff, but now that I’ve organised it nicely where it belongs I feel better. My new rule about buying anything new (clothes, shoes, books mainly) is if I buy one new T-shirt, pair of shoes, or books I give away two T-shirts, shoes, books I already own. This has been working really well. And I have consciously cut down on buying things just because they look “nice”.

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Glad I'm not the only one! These are great rules - the thought of trying to get rid of two things would be enough faff to put me off buying more. Also telling myself 'just because I like it, doesn't mean I have to buy it' helps - which is basically the same as your last sentence!

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